About Bruce Kiwi Morgan





We're forever young



Home is New Zealand







About this website Some history and facts

 All music composed, recorded and performed by Bruce Morgan

I built and maintain this website and it has been operating from around 1990 it was used for my Sewing machine Business which operated from 1960 in New Zealand this site is designed to operate on all browsers and phones.


2025 I'm still writing and recording songs here and promoting my music on the net, also actively criticizing and exposing the media, mainly the swine's and back stabbers who run New Zealand radio and Television. Who do not play New Zealand artists and writers songs and music.If you come from another country they will play it.


Some history about Bruce Kiwi Morgan I was born in Petone and enjoyed my youth fishing on the Petone wharf also had a small boat and  used to fish around Soames Island in the wellington harbour, I served my apprenticeship and at the Petone Woolen mills and was trained as a hosiery machine mechanic and industrial sewing machine technician, Moved to Auckland and went into business and established the Tokyo Juki sewing machine in New Zealand also made and manufactured and distributed the first all New Zealand made Industrial sewing machine clutch motor in New Zealand.

Established and distributed the Mercury and Meister brand sewing machines in New Zealand.

At the age of six I had my first experience with music, my mother gave me a ukulele and a friend of my elder brother Bill Jones gave me some lessons I can still remember the tuning sequence (my dogs got fleas).

My Dad was musical and showed me how to play harmonica and accordion, at 8 Mum enrolled me at the Petone convent for piano and classical music and singing study. At 12 years old I had tuition in modern music and learned chord system-based music by Bruce Cook And during the years 8-12 was part of a touring concert party playing in Stan Preston’s Harmonica Band.

While studying at the Hutt Valley Memorial Technical College I was in the choir and orchestra and tried the violin and flute and we used to practice the hallelujah chorus from Handel’s Messiah for the annual concert at Wellington town hall also played piano at pubs and rugby clubs at Petone and moved to live in Birkenhead Auckland in 1962. At 35 I learned to play Keyboards and electronic organ and at 45 became interested in composing and song writing I have written many songs including Classical, Christian, Country, Rock, New Zealand music, Easy listening.

I’ve been a member of NSAI (Nashville Songwriters Association) U.S.A. APRA New Zealand since 1985. At 46 years old I began learning how to record music and started with a 2-track tape recorder next to a Fostex 4 track then progressed to Cakewalk and Digi design Session 8 and Jammer Professional. And for the past 20 years have been using and studying Steinburg Cubase midi and audio recording system and are currently using Cubase Professional.


Dear music friends If you would like to use any of my songs hat are on my web site or the internet to make your version or add to your CD or compilation, or perform please obtain a license from APRA or contact me.


Some of my releases




Shines down on me




The treaty of Waitangi Song



You never told me




Thank you for calling

Sincere Regards Bruce Morgan




Watch this space more to come soon

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Songs about everything

About Bruce Kiwi Morgan